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  • Happy Friday!

    Happiest of Fridays to you! After a week of thunder, rain and flooding (for a lot of people in Houston, but thankfully not us), it’s clear and sunny today and we are so looking…

    April 23, 2016
  • A Day in the Life Around Here

    An outtake from photos my sister-in-law Leah took of us on Easter. Gosh, I love that little bald spot!  I’ve read a few “daily schedule” posts this week and always find them fascinating (this…

    April 7, 2016
  • Travelogue: Austin, Texas

    Two Fridays in a row I made the drive to Austin from Houston and I’m here to tell you all about our hip neighbor city! The first visit, Michael and I decided to take…

    April 4, 2016
  • Happy (Grateful) Friday!

    Happy Friday, everyone! Michael and I are enjoying one last weekday of his spring break. It’s been such a nice week having him home and spend time as a family of three. When Maya…

    March 18, 2016
  • Another Nursery Nook Look

    Maya’s nursery is slowly coming together. We started with an empty room and a five day old baby back in October, so the fact that there’s art on the walls and it’s feeling more cosy…

    March 11, 2016
  • Happy Weekend!

    Happy weekend, everyone! How are you? Our week was uneventful in the best possible way. Maya napped like a champ and even managed to sleep through the night a few nights, too. She still…

    March 5, 2016
  • Happy (Sleep-deprived) Friday!

    (Misty Copeland re-enacting a series of famous Degas paintings of ballet dancers. Love those blues and greens!) Happy Friday, friends! Long time no talk! We’re tired over here. Ha! Thank goodness it’s Friday and…

    February 19, 2016
  • All about Interiors in the Irish Independent

    I thought I’d give you a little update on my latest columns in the Irish Independent. I still write for them weekly and it has been so helpful in staying up to date with what…

    February 8, 2016
  • Around Here Lately

    I have about six posts in various forms of finished. Some need photos, some need words, but meh! We’ll just go with a little update for today instead. We’ve had a little extra excitement…

    January 28, 2016
  • The Simplest Newborn Baby Essentials

    There’s a much more zippy title for this post out there somewhere, I’m sure of it. Something more concise than what-we-found-useful-after-not-being-prepared-at-all-for-a-baby. See? Doesn’t really roll off the tongue. I really wanted to convey that we…

    January 13, 2016