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  • Vacation // Colorado

    We’re on vacation! Sort of. Mostly. Michael, Maya and I hopped on a flight on Monday to Denver, to spend time with his family for a week, and then we’ll head to Maine, followed…

    July 8, 2017
  • Buffalo Bayou Sunset

    I’ve been walking with a friend every Wednesday night along Buffalo Bayou near our house and last night, the light was just so incredible over the city that I caught a few photos. Houston…

    June 9, 2017
  • A Day in This Life

    Both my people are making sort of funny faces in this photo, but it’s the only photo I have from the school I’m about to talk about for a full 1500 words 😉  Earlier…

    June 7, 2017
  • Two Years Ago We Took a Leap

    I’m not usually so moved by those Facebook memories that pop up at the start of your feed every time you log in. Nearly every one of those memories is a photo I posted…

    June 2, 2017
  • Well and Truly Irish – I’m an Irish Citizen!

    I applied for my citizenship last summer and finally got to receive my naturalization certificate when we were in Ireland last week! We had originally planned to go to Ireland for Christmas this year, but…

    December 6, 2016
  • A Return

    Late last night, we returned from ten cosy and heart-restoring days in Dublin. There’s a pile of laundry the size of Maya sitting in the closet and the contents of our suitcases piled on…

    November 30, 2016
  • Notes from the Village

    A smattering of thoughts on a Thursday, if you please. Tomorrow is our last day in China Village, so we’re soaking up all the hugs from Maya’s Grammy and Granddad and booking them in for…

    September 1, 2016
  • Nuts and Bolts / The Adoption Process

    I thought it might be interesting to share a little about our adoption process now that Maya has officially been adopted! I know every adoption/fostering experience is different, but this can serve as one example. Adoption…

    August 3, 2016
  • No Take Backs, No Do Overs

    Never in a million years did I think I’d marry someone who likes tattoos, it’s not really my thing at all. But I married this guy and here we are. Tattoos. This family tree was…

    June 14, 2016
  • Houston Home

    How about an impromptu and imperfect and mostly unstyled tour of our Houston home? There was a clean moment a week or so ago and we snapped some photos. Maya makes a cameo. She’s…

    May 25, 2016