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  • Ringing In 2019

    In an effort to wrap up 2018 before 2019 is half over, here’s my second recap of our holidays in Dublin! Soon, on to a few thoughts for the new year, hopefully before January…

    January 18, 2019
  • An Irish Holiday Bucket List

    I keep trying to explain to Maya that it’s sort of almost Christmas, but Thanksgiving comes first. I’m not sure the concept is really landing yet. She asked to wear a Christmas shirt yesterday…

    November 15, 2018
  • Irish Autumn: Alright Pumpkin Patch

    We went to a pumpkin patch last weekend! And we somehow organized the most amazing weather. We started with hats and definitely didn’t need them about ten minutes in. Thank goodness, because in all…

    October 24, 2018
  • Autumn In Ireland

    Last week, Michael remarked that it felt like autumn had arrived in Dublin this week. Seemingly out of nowhere, all the trees started to turn and leaves are rapidly falling. We joked that next…

    October 13, 2018
  • Dear Houston: Thank You

    I wrote these words for Mabel & Moxie, a parenting website I contribute to monthly, right after we left Houston. I’d been writing them in my head for weeks before we left, and it was…

    September 25, 2018
  • Our First Family Howth Hike

    If you’ve ever met me, you probably know how much I love my Howth cliff walk. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, I get to run it, but if I’m even luckier, I get to hike…

    September 24, 2018
  • Transitioning Home

    I’ve started this post at least five different times in the last few weeks. And each time, before I get a chance to finish it, it’s all out of date and I scrap the…

    September 10, 2018
  • Big News // We’re Moving Back to Ireland!

    We are so excited that we finally get to share some big news! We’re moving back to Dublin this summer! While we had envisioned that this wacky Houston adventure would be a one year…

    May 24, 2018
  • How To Love Where You Live

    I’ve been thinking lately about how to love where you live. It’s by far one of the skills I most appreciate having learned. For almost eight years, we lived in Dublin and I think…

    May 21, 2018
  • No Take Backs, No Do Overs, Noah Edition

    Before Michael and I moved to Houston on this crazy adventure, he had this big family tree/tree of life tattooed on his back by a Latvian tattoo artist in Dublin who spoke no English.…

    April 5, 2018