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  • Dublin Tips

    I love helping people explore my adopted city, here’s how to start exploring Dublin! If you’re planning a trip to Dublin or live here and want to explore the city more, I have lots…

    January 28, 2012
  • This Weekend in Dublin: TradFest

    If you’re in Dublin this weekend, guess what’s on? TradFest! Set across lots of venues and stages in Temple Bar, it’s a big old festival of traditional music. There are lots of free events,…

    January 24, 2012
  • Over on Poppytalk Today: Dispatches from Dublin

    Good morning! Just wanted to pop in and tell you about my new little gig. I’ve started doing a guest post a few times a month over on Poppytalk – Dispatches from Dublin. I’ll…

    January 10, 2012
  • Solve My Dublin Mystery

    Good morning, lovelies! I’m spending a little more time catching up with family and friends in Maine today. So in the meantime, I thought you might have some ideas to solve my little Dublin…

    November 15, 2011
  • Moving to Dublin: Staying

    This week, I’m celebrating my third anniversary of moving to Dublin by sharing lots of stories with you! From how I ended up here, to what were the hardest adjustments and biggest surprises –…

    November 11, 2011
  • Moving to Dublin: Missing Home

    This week, I’m celebrating my third anniversary of moving to Dublin by sharing lots of stories with you! From how I ended up here, to what were the hardest adjustments and biggest surprises –…

    November 10, 2011
  • Home in Dublin

    This week, I’m celebrating my third anniversary of moving to Dublin by sharing lots of stories with you! From how I ended up here, to what were the hardest adjustments and biggest surprises –…

    November 8, 2011
  • Three Years in Dublin

    {one of my favorite streets in Dublin – looking up toward the Tourist Information Office – it’s in that church!} This Friday marks three years since I moved to Dublin. Wild, right?! I thought…

    November 7, 2011
  • Dublin Bikes

    {all photos by my super-talented and always helpful friend, Sebastian Rasch} On Saturday, I joined a dear friend for a ramble around Dublin on some snazzy blue Dublin Bikes. Every time we walk through…

    October 19, 2011