Dirt Dessert for a Send-Off

July 18, 2011

By the time you read this, I should be back in Dublin and struggling through a full day of work. Who thought it was a good idea to fly in Monday morning and go straight from the airport to the office?! But it will cheer me up knowing there’s a sweet treat on the blog this morning! Enjoy!

My little brother left for a semester in Australia last week. As a last request for dessert, he requested Dirt Pudding. Thank goodness Dirt Pudding involves absolutely no cooking or baking – it was 90 degrees and humid in my sister’s third-floor un-air conditioned apartment the day I made it!

Next time, I’m going to use a different cookie than Oreos just to see how that works. I think any chocolate, crumbly cookie would work and it would be fun to have some different variations.

I put the dirt pudding in one big terra cotta pot and one little one, and I picked a few fresh flowers from my grandparents’ garden.  I love the way these pots blend right in to the other flowers on the deck! You could also use sand pails with little plastic shovels!

Dirt Pudding

Serves 8-10

1 package Oreo cookies (or other chocolate cookies)
2 packages instant chocolate pudding mix
1 container Cool Whip
1 cup cream cheese
1/2 cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
3 cups milk
optional: gummy worms, fresh or plastic flowers, flower pots, sand pails

Using a mixer, combine softened cream cheese and butter with powdered sugar until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the pudding mix with the milk and whisk until the mixture starts to thicken, almost immediately. With a spatula, fold the pudding mixture into the cream cheese mixture. Then, fold the Cool Whip into the pudding-cream cheese mixture until it’s not streaky.

In plastic bag, crush the package of Oreos. I like to leave some big chunks, but you can crush them as finely as you like. In the bottom of your preferred pot or pail, layer 1/3 of the crushed Oreos. Next, add a layer of the pudding mixture. Continue layering until the Oreos and pudding mixture are used up, ending with Oreos on top. Garnish with gummy worms or flowers. Scoop into bowls to serve. Enjoy!
Note: This is a recipe I can (as yet) only make in America. Irish readers, do you have any substitutes for Cool Whip in Ireland? I’d love to be able to make this in both my homes!

{All photos by Emily Westbrooks}

Insider Tip: Observatory Tower

July 15, 2011

On our last day in Portland, I tried to squeeze in as many last-minute stops as I could. First up in the morning was the East End Observatory Tower. I lived only a few blocks away from the tower before I got married, but I’d never taken the tour.

My friend Emily (in college it got a little confusing to have two Emily’s, so she was “Nice Emily” and I was “Other Emily”. It was an accurate description – she’s way nice!) and I met up in the morning and walked over to the tower.

I’m usually not such a big fan of tours – I like to look at my own pace, see it, and get out – but our tour guide, Roland, was awesome. He had so many fun facts and tidbits about the tower’s lifetime – from 1807 to today. My favorite fact? The tower is kept from blowing over in the wind by several tons of rocks in the basement!

You can find information about the Observatory Tower and its history here. It was built in 1807 so that the people in Portland could know when and what ships were coming in to port from as far as 30 miles offshore.

{Me with a forced smile – it’s high up there and I’m a huge wimp at high heights!}
{Miss Emily with the Eastern Promenade in the background}

When the watchmen in the tower could see a ship coming in, they would fly the coordinating flag from the top so the people of Portland could assemble at the docks. Isn’t that handwriting beautiful?

Obviously, the views of Portland, Casco Bay and the surrounding towns are amazing. For only $8 for the hour-long tour, it’s a great deal!


July 14, 2011
{serious Santa Monica stairs image from here}

Since we’ve been on vacation for the better part of three weeks, I’ve been trying to squeeze in some form of physical activity every day. I figure I’d better at least move my butt for a few minutes every day to counterract all the yummy food we’re eating!

Earlier this week, I was thinking I was awfully clever for finding a long set of stairs (48 steps – I counted!) and making it my gym. It was about 10 degrees hotter at the top but lovely and cool at the bottom with a beautiful view of Casco Bay!

When I lived in Santa Monica for a few weeks in college, I used those stairs in the photo above. Way intimidating! The East Coast version was so much nicer!

Maine Mornings

July 13, 2011

One of my absolute favorite things about Maine is the morning. All week, I’ve been crawling out of bed a few hours before my husband (not such a morning person, that one) to go for runs along the coast and prowl around the neighborhood taking photos of boats, rocks and lapping water. It’s heavenly.

Whenever I think of Maine, I think of this book. One Morning in Maine. It’s quintessential Maine, to say the least, and one of the reasons we’ve been talking about doing a house swap next summer. The more Maine summer mornings I can get, the better.

Robert McCloskey is better known for his books Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal, but this is my favorite. It’s a wonderfully illustrated story about Sal’s morning – digging for clams, picking blueberries, a boat ride to get an ice cream cone, and losing a tooth.

If there’s one sentence Michael hears more than once a day it’s My children have to know Maine summers.

Although, to be honest, sometimes it’s a lot more intense, like MychildrenhavetoknowMainesummers!!!! On repeat. And we don’t even have any children yet! Ha!


July 12, 2011
{lovely image from here}

About this time in our trip home every year, I start to get a little weepy about leaving. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dublin and I don’t get very homesick, but I hate leaving my family and friends in Maine knowing that I won’t be back for another six months.

But this year, I’m trying a new trick. I’m trying to distract myself with schemes of house-swapping next summer! We haven’t worked out all the details (like getting time off work!), but the idea of being able to stay a little longer is keeping me from getting too sad that our vacation is nearly over.

I’ve been doing a little research and it turns out some other bloggers have joined the house-swapping craze. Here and here.

And I’ve found a few great FAQ’s with answers to general questions about house swapping, here and here, and a sample swap agreement.

Experienced house swappers also have some great tips to share over here, including leaving a few grocery staples for the people coming to stay in your house. What a nice touch!

We’re not sure when or how long we’ll be able to swap next summer, but we know we want to be on the Maine coast between Brunswick and portland. If you know anyone who might be interested, let us know!

In the meantime, have you done a house swap? Was it a success? Do you have tips? Do tell!


Dark Greige Creme

July 11, 2011

How about that for at post title? Sounds so exotic, right? Well, it’s the color of the gorgeous nail polish I’m rocking right now. I love it – trendy without being obnoxious!

Scotch Naturals is a company that produces non-toxic nail polish and polish remover. They’ve also got such well-designed packaging. That is one pretty bottle of nail polish.

It’s hot and humid in Maine, so we’re headed to the beach! Until tomorrow!

Kennebec Highlands

July 8, 2011


Yesterday, in an effort to stay a little cooler and get a little exercise, my dad and I hopped in the car and went off for a hike. Neither of us had ever been to the Kennebec Highlands, so we were thrilled that we found it and managed not to get too lost!

To be fair, it would have been a little hard to get too lost with these arrows marking the way!

At the top of the 4 mile trail, this was the spectacular view of the Belgrade Lakes.

And look what we found on the way down! Blueberries! Not ripe yet, but if the deer don’t eat them over the next month, they’ll be yummy by August!

This is the trail we took. It took us about two hours and twenty minutes. Some of the trail is dirt and leaves, but a lot of it involves climbing over rocks, big and small. We brought hiking poles, but we’re not really sure if they helped. They just made us feel a little extra cool. Ha!

So what’s going on with you, readers? You’ve been quiet lately. What are you all up to?



Portland Insider: Mailboat Cruise

July 7, 2011

Hello everyone! I took a few days off to explore around Portland and lounge around on the boat on China Lake, but I’m back today with one of my adventures to share.

Michael and I are making a special effort on this trip to take advantage of a little more of Maine than we usually do and we’re loving it! On Tuesday night, we bought tickets for the Casco Bay Mailboat. We stopped at the grocery store for some snacks and a bottle of wine, and packed a tote with cups and napkins and plates, then headed to the pier.

The Portland Mailboat runs several times each day – 5am, 10am, 2pm, 5:45pm and 9:30pm is the schedule throughout the summer. We picked the 5:45pm sunset trip. The Mailboat carries mail, freight and passengers all around Casco Bay and stops at the bay’s islands.

But the insider tip is that you can ride the Mailboat like a cruise! You can hop on and ride along until the boat comes back into the Portland dock. The captain points out landmarks and gives little history tidbits throughout the two-and-a-half-hour ride. On a hot, sticky night, the open deck of the Mailboat was the perfect way to cool down!

Tips & Figures:

Cost: $15 per person, kids under 10 ride free

The boat is first-come, first-serve, so get there a half hour early to make sure you get a seat in the front.

Bring a sweatshirt! Even if it’s 90 and humid in Portland, there are a few spots where you can feel the crisp Atlantic air blowing in.

We snacked on hummus and carrots and crackers.

Talk about a beautiful view, huh?! A great, inexpensive way to see the best of Maine!

Village Fire Pit

July 4, 2011

So far, being home in Maine has been only wonderful. Great days on the lake, lounging in the sun and chatting with family; dinner with a few lovely family friends and a whole morning spent watching two cutie-pie kiddos run around the playground.

And last night, we were treated to a fire pit at our neighbors”, which is turning into a great China Village tradition.

We”re off to Portland to celebrate Independence Day with a few friends, but here are some photos of last night”s s”more-making extravaganza! casino internet Thanks, Katie and Dave!

Check out that rock wall – years in the making, it”s a new institution in China Village and a great spot for relaxing and catching up!

I”m not sure if you can tell, but those marshmallows are the extra-super-huge-jumbo ones. Amazing. Well played, America.

Katie and Dave broke out sparklers left over from their wedding a few years ago. So fun!

Happy Fourth of July, friends! Be safe and have a festive holiday!

Friday Finds: From Maine!

July 1, 2011

We arrived! Safe and sound in China Village, Maine. And guess what? It’s strawberry season! Aren’t they gorgeous?! Sweet little strawberries from my mom’s garden. We had them over pound cake for dessert. Yum.

I’ve got big plans for blogging while I’m here in Maine – but that’ll have to wait until next week when I’m a little less jet-lagged! (Whenever we book flights we convince ourselves that layovers aren’t that bad. They stink. Someone remind us next time!)

But today I’ve still managed to round up a few fun links for your Friday.

This software allows you to scan your handwriting to create your own font. Wouldn’t that be a fun way to send emails?

One of my goals on this trip is to find a couple of great suits. I’m thinking something along these lines. I love a classic skirt suit, non?

And while I’m investing in a few basics, I’m keeping my eye out for a great leather bag like this one on sale from Zara. Although suede in Dublin might be a bit silly!

Just in case you missed out on the awesome guest posts from when I was in Spain, here’s Jenna, Brandi, Mandi, Rachael and Angie! Thanks again, girls!

What are you all up to this weekend? Great plans? Do tell!