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  • Planet Modulor: Craft Heaven

    Planet Modulor might not look like much from the outside, but let me tell you. It was simply craft heaven. I could have moved in, slept on the tile floor between the rolls of…

    May 23, 2012
  • Berlin!

    Happy Monday, everyone! I arrived back from Berlin last night and my trip was so much fun. Today I’m tackling the much-less-fun task of unpacking from Berlin and packing for America while also trying…

    May 21, 2012
  • Sponsored Post: A Trip to Clare with Groupon

    A few weeks ago, Groupon got in touch with me to see if I wanted to try one of their travel deals. I’ve written about scoping out travel deals when you’re heading on vacation…

    May 11, 2012
  • Snapshots from Italy: Verona

    Remember when I went to Italy? Wow, it seems like a million years ago. This is my last edition of photos from the trip. After Venice and Florence, we took the train to Verona.…

    May 9, 2012
  • Snapshots from Italy: Florence

    Since we returned from Italy, I’ve been ranking Venice and Verona ahead of Florence. But looking at these photos again has me reconsidering! We spent twice as much time in Florence than we did…

    May 3, 2012
  • Snapshots from Italy: Venice

    I was a little apprehensive about visiting  Venice, because we’d heard from several people that Venice isn’t their favorite place in Italy. But once we arrived, the apprehension melted away in the bright sunshine.…

    April 30, 2012
  • Italy, According to my iPhone

    Good morning! I’m back! Italy was amazing and I can’t wait to share lots of photos, info and tips with you. But while I settle back in and send my sister back to America…

    April 25, 2012
  • Edinburgh, Take Two

    While my parents were in town a couple weeks ago, we took a quick 48-hour trip to Edinburgh. Since they’ve been to Dublin several times now, we wanted them to get to see something…

    April 11, 2012
  • Limerick Tour

    Last weekend, instead of laying low at home, celebrating Easter like most people around the country, Michael and I headed off to Limerick. He had to coach at a college basketball tournament and I…

    April 9, 2012
  • The Hive

    A few weeks ago, I mentioned my impending travel plans that will keep me very busy for the next few months. I’m especially excited about my trip to Berlin because I’ll be speaking at…

    March 13, 2012