A few weeks ago, Michael, Maya and I headed over to Rice University to check out the James Turrell “Twilight Epiphany” Skyspace for their sunset light show. We should have bundled ourselves up more…
So, turns out there’s a big ol’ battleship just south of Houston. And it’s so cool! Michael and I spotted a sign for Battleship Texas when we were coming back from the beach a…
My little brother flew in to Houston late last night so we spent the gloriously sunny (also very hot and humid) day exploring together. We started with a stroll through Rice University, which is…
Michael and I had an errand to run earlier today south of Houston. We’ll be here in Texas for a few months, and Michael needed to have finger prints taken so he can work…
Welcome to another Styled in Ireland post today! This time, we’re talking airport style and we’re making a visit to Dublin airport to learn a few tip for travelers flying into and out of…
A few weeks ago, Michael and I were heading east from China Village to hear my dad give a talk about his latest book at the Belfast library. Belfast is a really cute coastal…
This is the first year Michael and I have been in Maine since our wedding seven years ago, and I’ve really missed blueberry season in Maine all these years. The weird thing is that…
Good morning! Are you ready for part two of our Colorado Springs whirlwind adventure?! Well, that’s what you’re going to get today. These posts are a little more family-oriented, but I’ve realized they’re as…
These are the Boulder and Denver travelogues from a few weeks ago in case you missed them! Wecome to the final city on my very brief Colorado visit a few weeks ago! We spent a whirlwind…
As promised, another little travelogue, this time about an afternoon spent in Boulder a few weeks agoexploring their promenade and giant farmer’s market. I wish we’d had more time in Boulder, but it makes…