Five Good Things on a Saturday

June 15, 2013

flower box


We’re back in Chicago for a few days after a weeklong mini-road trip. We’ve had such a wonderful, relaxing week. So today, how about five good things from the week?

1. Spending time with Michael’s aunts and uncles and cousins (and even a grand-cousin!) across the midwest. It’s been a few years since we last saw everyone, so it’s been so great to catch up. We have been so spoiled – Michael’s family is beyond hospitable.

2. Getting to see Michael’s grandmother, who just turned 88! She has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t always remember Michael, but when she does it’s really sweet to see. She lives with Michael’s aunt and her family, and if we’re ever in the position to take in any of our parents years from now, I hope we can do it half as gracefully.

3. Animals! I’ve seen more birds on this trip (and I think my dad would be proud of how many I can identify!) – hummingbirds, bright yellow finches, cardinals, red wing blackbirds. I really think we need a bird feeder in Dublin. I forgot how much I enjoy watching them all day. And Michael’s cousins have a horse, goats, two types of chickens (some for meat and some for eggs), ducks and cats. Michael’s decided he wants to build a chicken coop in our back garden in Dublin after eating fresh eggs for a few days!

4. Riding our cousin’s horse! Michael has always wanted to get horses, so now in addition to our chickens, he’s plotting for horses too!

5. Road tripping with my husband – watching corn fields roll by, spotting great old barns, chatting and not chatting, a little moving prayer time together, and holding hands while we drive. It’s been a very good week!

Today, we have a little time with some more family in Chicago, then tomorrow we are off to Colorado for a week before heading back to Maine! Have a happy weekend!

1 Comment

  • Reply Mary Catherine June 15, 2013 at 10:00 pm

    Glad you have had such a nice time. While you are in Chicago, remember that your father and grandfather were born there. You are actually in the midst of innumerable Boyle cousins. It’s too bad we haven’t kept in touch since Mom and Dad dies. Anyway, you have connections all over the place!
    Hope to see you soon!

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