Friday Thoughts

June 22, 2012

Our Dublin visitors left this morning, so we’re beginning the last leg of our trip in America. We have one more week, which will be spent almost all in China Village. I’m excited for lots of time on the lake!

While our visitors were here, we took them up to Colby College, where we got married nearly four years ago. Naomi snapped these photos for us at the front door of the chapel. Our temporary dog, Pijiu, wasn’t feeling particularly photogenic or cooperative!

I’ve been spending more time at the beach this week and less time on the internet, which is exactly the way vacation should be! It’s been hot, hot, hot with a side of humid. Next week, I have a few fun posts planned – including a cute necklace DIY and my new favorite gelato place!

I hope you all have wonderful, sunny weekends! See you Monday!


  • Reply A Nolan June 23, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    Interesting that this reminds me of the Georgian doors of Dublin, like the universe knew before you did that you would find a home there.

    • Reply emily June 25, 2012 at 2:56 pm

      You’re so right – that’s a lovely way to think about it!

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