
December 27, 2010

I hope you all had a lovely and peaceful Christmas and Stephen’s Day, or Boxing Day, or day-after-Christmas Day or Blizzard Day, or whatever the case may be!

We had a festive, white wonderland Christmas in Dublin and then woke up today to green grass and pouring rain again. Maybe it means spring is on the way!

{The Christmas mantle at 52 Grange Park}

My parents sent over a Kindle for Michael and I to fight over, so I’ve been browsing Amazon for books. Anyone have any great suggestions? I just finished the sample of My Life in France, by Julia Child and Alex Prud’Homme and I’m hooked. What a fun, inspiring lady.

{Papa J and Mama Lo surprised us with a dryer – can you say excited??}

Sadly, our Christmas tree had to be taken down already – there were more needles in a pile on the floor than on the tree and it’s been brown for over a week. Maybe we peaked too soon this year? But now that the tree is down, we’re going to do a serious deep clean on the apartment over the next few days. There is a dusting of flour and cocoa powder on nearly every surface from the frenzy of baking over the last month and it’s got to go!

{Happy Holidays from the Westbrooks family!}

1 Comment

  • Reply Emily December 27, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    Yeah!! A dryer! The perfect present for you two. I love the Xmas photos.

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