Paris Time Traveler Tours

October 13, 2011

I’ve been doing research for our Paris trip coming up in December and stumbled across Time Traveler Tours of Paris. They have one up and going already, called Beware Madame la Guillotine, and two more coming soon.

You download the tour to your iPhone and follow it on a walking tour around Paris. It sounds like those museum audio tours (which my husband swears by), but outdoors and covering a lot of ground.

But aside from the logistics, it’s all narrated as a story, giving you facts but keeping you interested and engaged along the way. I think this will be perfect for me because I’m not great at absorbing history unless it has some context.

Here’s the teaser:

Time-travel on your iPhone or iPod Touch to 1793 and the heart of the French Revolution with murderess Charlotte Corday. Find out why she, a 24-year-old convent-school girl, stabbed a revolutionary leader while he soaked in the bath. What happened to her? Her king? Her queen? Her country?

Join Charlotte, the heroes and villains of the Revolution on this unforgettable historical treasure hunt from Paris’ Palais Royal to the antechamber of the guillotine, the Conciergerie Prison. Discover history with those who made it.

And a few highlights:

Discover the birthplace of the French Revolution and locate where Charlotte bought the knife she used to kill Jean-Paul Marat.

Dine where Marat and his Revolutionary cronies once dined. Recharge your batteries where they discussed such then-novel ideas as individual human rights.

Visit Charlotte in her prison on the day of her death. Witness the conditions of her incarceration as well as those of Queen Marie-Antoinette.

I’m loving this idea. Like a personal tour guide through your iPhone combined with a fun story too!

Am I the last one to hear of this type of thing? Is it novel or just to me? Either way, I’m psyched!


  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} October 18, 2011 at 12:33 am

    You so need to do this and report back about what it was like. (And this is just another reason I need an iPhone.)

    • Reply emily October 18, 2011 at 2:18 pm

      We definitely will – I already bought the app! Ha!

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