The Sun Also Rises

September 23, 2011
{photo by moi}

Good morning, darlings. Happy Friday. Is it happy where you are? It’s still quiet where I am. Dark and peaceful and quiet.

I’m trying out a new schedule, working from early morning until mid-afternoon every day. At the moment, it means the sun is rising as I’m waiting on the platform for my train. It’s a little bit heavenly, getting the day going in such a quiet time of the day.

Some mornings, when I’m on the train and the sun is just coming up in shades of red and pink and purple that hang below the clouds, I love thinking about all the people who read my blog (growing, but certainly not millions) and what their days are going to be like, simultaneously all around the world. I enjoy picturing the sun that rises over my train ride then moseying across the ocean to wake up family and friends.

I like those thoughts that remind me we share the same sun, stars and moon. Far away, and separated by an ocean, but not disconnected altogether.


In Friday Finds news, there are a few fun things coming up in Dublin. Tonight is Culture Night, with lots of fun events and activities around the city. Galleries and event spaces also stay open late and offer tours.

And in a few weeks, Michael and I will be traveling around the city for Open House Dublin, where tons of government buildings and historic houses are open to the public for a little snooping. He loves this kind of thing, so I’ll be happy to tag along in a few weeks!


We’re headed off to a wedding today and then we’re going to spend the weekend in Wexford. I’m looking forward to some time away from all the screens in our lives (between iPhones, computers, televisions, Kindles, and on and on), lots of fresh air and a good old change of scenery.

I’ll be back next week with photos from the weekend, a yummy new recipe and a few pretty autumn bits.

What are you all up to this weekend? Great, big plans? Quiet, screen-free plans?



  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} September 24, 2011 at 1:50 am

    Wow, sounds like you’re bound to have a fantastic time this weekend!

    I used to work hours like you do. Getting up in the darkness was always the hardest for me, but I adjusted eventually. It’s actually my preferred work schedule now.

  • Reply Gerry September 24, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    Early morning is the best time, and the time the day begins in the country. If you’re not up by 5 you’re a slug in our neck of the woods. This is just your rural roots coming through, Em.

  • Reply nessa robins September 25, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    What a beautiful photo Emily! I love the sound of the Open House weekend. Hope you enjoyed your fresh air filled weekend. 🙂

    • Reply emily September 26, 2011 at 1:47 pm

      Thanks, Nessa! Lots of fresh air – feeling rejuvenated to start the week!

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