The Girl Who

September 22, 2011

This summer, I got hooked on that Stieg Larsen trilogy and plowed my way through the three long books on the beach, on planes, on the commute into work. I was totally sucked in and really didn’t want them to end. I loved all the names of the towns and streets and places in the book, although I’m certain I was pronouncing them completely wrong in my head.

Now that I’ve finished the books, I’m finding myself hooked on all things Swedish. I’ve always liked Swedish design and now I think if I don’t get some in my house I’m going to resort to painting every surface white. Which I really would be inclined to do anyway if it wasn’t a rental!

Every time Michael and I talk about our next trip, I suggest Sweden. He keeps saying it’s too expensive (how it could be more expensive than Dublin, I have no idea!) but I think I’m wearing him down.

In the meantime, I oohed and ahhed over this site when I saw it over on this stylish blog last week. I don’t know how to pronounce it, but I do know that their photos are just gorgeous.

And the common denominator? White-washed floors. Adding that to the list for our some-day house! At least for the bedroom. It’s just so calming.

What do you think of so much white? Could you keep those floors clean?!


  • Reply Rachel September 23, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    Oh, I really liked the Millenium Series too! Wish it could continue…The white rooms look so clean and bright.

    • Reply emily September 26, 2011 at 1:49 pm

      I agree! Just went back for a quick browse there 🙂 Gorgeous!

  • Reply stasty September 23, 2011 at 10:10 pm

    We went to Sweden this year and it is so expensive…even compared to Dublin. That said, they have some great shops and amazing design. Perfect city for a weekend break.

    • Reply emily September 26, 2011 at 1:48 pm

      Oh no! So my husband was right 😉 I wonder if rural Sweden is the same? Maybe a tiny town would be cheaper and equally sweet!

  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} September 24, 2011 at 1:48 am

    There must be a way to vacation in Sweden on a budget. Maybe there are some tips online? And I’ve heard so many good things about that trilogy, though I haven’t read it yet. Soon.

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