The Plan

June 28, 2009

A couple of very wise people have been suggesting for some time that I should be keeping a journal of my adventures and observations in this move to Dublin. So, while I’ve been here for 8 months already and haven’t started, today is the day. My plan is to start recording what happens from here on out, and remembering some of the important moments and memories since I got here. It has been a big change moving from China Village to Dublin – new husband, new country and new life all in one fell swoop. This will be my journal of the ups and downs, differences and similarities, excitements and setbacks. So, as they say here in Dublin, you’re very welcome to my new blog.


  • Reply Deidra77 July 1, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    Hi it Deidra, your cousin in Georgia that you met for the first time in Illinois. I enjoyed your blog, and the photos were too cute. hope to see you guys soon. tell everyone I said hello love you guys.

  • Reply slaintecork January 20, 2011 at 10:04 am

    I just found your blog and totally agree. I started a blog when I moved to Cork from Cali and it really is a nice way to chronicle adventures while taking time to reflect. Hope Dublin is treating you well!

  • Reply Emily Boyle Westbrooks January 20, 2011 at 9:41 pm

    Hi there! Just checked out your blog and really wish I'd seen it before I headed off to Cork last weekend! And also wish you'd moved to Ireland before me so I could have used all your tips!

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