An A in Statistics

November 10, 2010

Hello everyone!

Just a few views from my walk earlier today before we get going here this afternoon.

Right, now, down to business.

I picked this blog up again just three weeks ago, and in that time I’ve gotten such a great response from many friends, far and wide.

And in just three weeks, here are a few stats on this humble (but growing!) blog:

Over 1,000 pageviews (and that doesn’t count all the times I check to make sure there are no typos!)!!

Visits from readers in 10 different countries (America, Ireland, Spain, Canada, Germany, UK, Egypt, China, Russia and Australia – I’m DYING to know who’s hanging out with me in Russia!!)

And lots of lovely comments from family and friends both on my Facebook and the blog itself.

I picked up this blog again because I love to write, and I want to share the things that inspire me or make my life more cosy. And I want to thank you all for making it such a fun way to spend a little time each morning!

As a thank you all, I’m going to do a give-away later in the week (and yes, I would even ship it to Russia!), so check back to see how to enter! It will be easy and fun. A winner will be picked at random on Wednesday, November 17.

Later today, I’m going on an Adventure, with a capital A. There will be photos tomorrow. You won’t want to miss it!

But for a little baking inspiration this morning, here is a roundup of 10 of the 15 (!) other cranberry recipes I found in my bookmarks when I went to look for yesterday’s yummy treats.

1. Cranberry Honey Drop Cookies
2. Cranberry Brie
3. Cranberry Orange Shortbread
4. Cranberry Orange Muffins
5. White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies
6. Cranberry Chutney
7. Vanilla Cranberry Jam (this one looks surprisingly easy!)
8. Cranberry Crumb Top Muffins
9. Whole Wheat Cranberry Bread
10. Cranberry Pecan Rolls

I think they all look delish, but I’m thinking of making that cranberry vanilla jam – wouldn’t that make a lovely Christmas gift with a loaf of homemade bread?

See you all back here tomorrow for details and photos of my AWESOME adventure!


  • Reply Carolyn November 11, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    You are raising the bar for thanksgiving 🙂

  • Reply Sarah November 11, 2010 at 4:38 pm

    Thanks Emily, I'm on my way to get cranberries…those Cranberry Crumb Top Muffins look fabulous!

  • Reply Emily Boyle Westbrooks November 12, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Sarah – when you make them, let me know how they turn out! Great to have a recipe-tester 🙂

  • Reply Dan November 13, 2010 at 2:40 am

    Great. I've got 4lbs of cranberries in the fridge that I picked up on Cape Cod a couple of weeks ago. Now I've got some ways to use them.

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