We went to a pumpkin patch last weekend! And we somehow organized the most amazing weather. We started with hats and definitely didn’t need them about ten minutes in. Thank goodness, because in all my thorough packing for our hour-long road trip, I forgot their jackets. I literally remembered everything else, but no jackets. Whoops. Mom fail saved by unexpected great Irish weather!
We met Michael’s brother-and-fam and another friend-and-fam for the afternoon at Alright Pumpkin in County Meath, a little less than an hour from Dublin. They are open again this coming weekend and the following weekend, so long as they have pumpkins left. You can check their website to make sure, but on the weekend days they’re open from 11-4pm. You just rock up, check out the corn maze and select a pumpkin from the field. They also have treats and tea in a little tent, as well as freshly dug carrots and potatoes and their own honey. They give you stickers when you buy a pumpkin and they have a few heirloom pumpkin varieties, which we couldn’t resist. We picked up one of those little blue-green ones that are ubiquitous in the States but nearly impossible to find here. All in all, a total win and I’d recommend it to anyone this season. We loved it. Clearly.
Maya loves being bossed around for family photos. Ehhhh.
Noah’s hair is getting really wild on top. We need a more professional haircut before hat season truly hits!
I laughed so hard at just how mini was compared to her cousin Eabha and friend Elsie. They have almost two years on her and she barely comes up to their shoulders!
Children in a wheelbarrow was pretty cute!
And Noah with his dad and the sunset.
If you’re in Dublin, you should go to Alright Pumpkin this weekend!
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