Last week, Michael remarked that it felt like autumn had arrived in Dublin this week. Seemingly out of nowhere, all the trees started to turn and leaves are rapidly falling. We joked that next week will be winter. We might not be wrong, there’s was a storm this week and now a lot of leaves on the ground instead of on those trees. The kids are already wearing hats on the morning walk to school and I should break out my gloves because pushing the stroller is starting to make my fingers numb.
But last week was mild and the late afternoon autumn light was glorious. We took the kids to Malahide Castle to get a slice of cake to celebrate Maya’s third birthday (I actually baked for her little party on Sunday when my parents were in town and all our family could join us to celebrate) and found a few corners filled with bright red leaves. We ran and crawled and threw leaves in the air. Maya wanted to play spooky ghosts and look for badgers in the ‘forest.’
We really didn’t have seasons in Houston, so it’s quite fun to experience with them. Maya kept looking at the leaves strewn in the grass, saying, “Is this autumn?”
At this time of year, the Virginia creeper turns bright orange and red and it’s so fun when you find a spot for a few photos with that backdrop!
My boys don’t always get my vision, but whatever. That’s not going to stop me!
I love new walkers with their arms up for balance with every step. And also Noah in skinny jeans that may or may not have been Maya’s.
I made my crew cheese in front of the castle, because a third birthday celebrated at a castle is a pretty magical thing!
I’m not sure the Malahide Castle trees were terribly thrilled about 200 pounds climbing up them!
It poured rain for most of today, so we’re packing our rain boots for a trip to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. We’re trying to squeeze the most out of this actual season now that we have it! Happy fall to you!
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