We now have a one year old little boy! Well, technically, we have a 13 month old by this point, but we did celebrate on his actual birthday with cupcakes and family, and it only took me a month to get the photos off my camera and onto my computer to share.
Let me tell you a cautionary tale about sparkler candles. Don’t use them with one-year-olds. All was well until we lit that candle and then both Noah and Maya were very nervous about the smell and the flashing. Luckily, the sugar helped them change their tunes.
Noah was so concerned. Ha!
He was happier to eat the frosting while in my arms, with my shirt to wipe his fingers. I think it even ended up in my hair.
Maya licked the frosting off at least 3 cupcakes and couldn’t figure out why her cousin spent the whole time asleep on the couch. They came straight from a flight from the States to celebrate with us!
We can’t believe how lucky we are to have Noah in our family. I wish I had photos of him smiling from his birthday, because it truly lights up his whole face. He’s silly and cuddly and loves nothing more than being permanently attached to me or Michael at all times. If he could never be set down, he’d be perfectly happy. He babbles to himself in the car and when he’s playing, and when he’s putting himself down for a nap he has long conversations with himself. He’s a dream come true and we’re so grateful to be smeared in frosting or avocado or oatmeal by him every day!
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