Happy belated Easter! In lieu of words that explain why the dramatic pause in blog posts for the last month and a half, a billion photos of the most lovely and colorful Easter.
Michael and I both had Good Friday off (which might be a good time to mention I went back to work in his school part time, in addition to writing for Romper and writing my Irish interiors newspaper column….does that explain the blog absence?) so we packed up our little family and drove to Dallas to spend the weekend with good friends and meet their new son!
First, my friend Jamie set up dying Easter eggs for two 2-year-olds. She’s much braver than I am, but the girls did pretty well!
Followed by popsicles because it was the most delightful warm, dry weather in Dallas.
We stayed in a really cute Airbnb a few minutes away from their house and on Easter morning I set up the kids’ Easter baskets on the porch swing. It was pretty adorable! This is Maya’s third Easter and the first time I bothered to do Easter baskets. I couldn’t help myself when I saw that $3 llama basket at Target!
These photos of the kids on the porch swing are all off center and some are a little blurry, but I love the sequence of them. Maya was pretty sure Noah got chocolate that she needed to confiscate. She also thought those little Lindt bunnies were dinosaurs. Ha!
We may not be able to wrangle them into a photo, but they are so sweet nonetheless.
We stopped by our friends’ for bagels and a little Easter egg hunt for the toddlers. Maya was born to hoard Easter eggs!
Then we drove most of the way back to Houston for Easter dinner with more friends. We tried to take a few family photos before everyone lost pieces of their outfits, but we’re really just not good at getting everyone to not squirm.
And one last Easter egg hunt for this girl. Michael’s godson, Isaiah, who was our tiny toddler ring bearer at our wedding, put it together for her and it was so sweet to watch them bopping around the back yard. Also, Maya in bunny ears was over the top cute.
Happy belated holiday to those celebrating! I’ll hopefully have a little more time to share in the coming weeks.
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