Over the weekend, after we returned from LA, I decided I had to aggressively get into the holiday spirit. There’s something about 70 degree weather that makes it really hard to believe it’s anything other than August all winter long.
When I was in second grade or so, I made a wreath with my hands in school, and I’ve always loved it. My mom has hung it every year since I brought it home from school and I’ve always wanted to make one with my kids. This year, I got to. With both my kids, although I tweaked the original for Noah because he’s so obsessed with chewing on his hands at the moment that hand prints with paint were out of the question! Instead, tiny green foot prints for Noah and hand prints for Maya. Although once Maya saw the foot prints, that’s all she’s talked about since.
Maya went rogue with the red paint at the very end, but otherwise she followed directions really well. Not bad for a two year old!
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