A few weeks ago, during spring break from school, we took Maya to the beach for the first time. We drove an hour-ish south of Houston down to Surfside Beach. We’d been to Surfside before, but when the weather was stormy a few weeks before Maya arrived. It was so different with the sun shining!
To the left, you can drive your car onto the beach, and the right is a pedestrian beach. For spring break, it was pretty calm and wasn’t that crowded. The water was still pretty chilly for us to get in, but we enjoyed playing in the sand – some of us more than others!
Maya was a little nervous about the sand touching her feet and at first only wanted to wear her sandals. But she got used to it and was soon flinging it over her head and into her hair. She never warmed up to the water, although did understand what it was, saying “ma,” while pointing at it. “Ma” is, of course, her word for any liquid. I think she was wary of the waves and couldn’t figure that part out. The temperature didn’t help, either. She loves pools, so I’m thinking a few more visits she might be more interested.
We joined friends for the afternoon and they brought bocce, which I had never played before. I liked it, and I’m not much of a game person. Plus, it was a serious workout to do it with Maya on my hip, because at that point she was all sanded out.
The drive to Surfside is just about the perfect length for Maya’s nap, so I assume we’ll be spending more Saturdays here as the weather gets even sweatier!
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