Over the weekend, I left Maya napping with Michael and took myself on a mini adventure across town to a little free shibori dying workshop held at the Center for Contemporary Craft. I had seen a little info about the workshop in the weekly 365 Things to Do in Houston this Weekend email that comes into my inbox every Thursday. Turns out, the Center for Contemporary Craft holds a free workshop in their garden on the first Saturday of every month. There were loads of families and kids there! In fact, there were very few adults on their own, which probably made me seem a little weird, but it was so fun to see what Maya and I will be able to do together in a few years. So much crafting!
It was my first foray into shibori indigo dying and the workshop was enough to make me think there will be shibori dying in our back yard during naptime this winter.
I think those buckets are from Home Depot, and not bespoke printed with inspirational sayings. But they were still cute with all those legs waiting to dye their creations!
There was a crew of older ladies in charge of dipping and dying and explaining the process. The fabric is dipped into buckets of indigo, which is an oxygen free solution, and when it hits the air it turns from green to deep blue. Once they turn blue, they’re rinsed and hung up to dry.
And some of the finished products hanging from trees in the garden, like very beautiful laundry.
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