Summer feels like a very long time ago and also a little like it’s still going strong, what with the temperatures down here only now lowering into the mid-80’s. But Maya and I left Maine summer almost a month ago, so I figured a round up of photos from enjoying nearly two months in Maine would be in order.
First, Maya’s first trip on my parents’ boat, the Blood Vessel! (A 1970’s Boston Whaler creatively named by my brother when he was about three, bloody since my dad writes murder mysteries. 😉
Lathered in sunscreen and crusty from rice cakes. I’m so glad she keeps a hat on.
With every passing year, the amount that I go into the water of China Lake diminishes. I think it’s even been about two years since I’ve water skied. Must add that to next summer’s bucket list! This year I went up to my ankles. Very lame, Emily!
We couldn’t believe Maya would tolerate the life jacket. I worried she would squirm and fuss but I think it functioned more like a straight jacket and almost always put her to sleep!
My handsome man. Once Michael went back to Houston to start school and my parents were in work all day, Maya and I spent a ton of time around the house and lawn. The stairs were her absolute favorite pastime. They were not my favorite pastime, but I did enjoy hearing her say puh-puh instead of up-up.
Because my phone wasn’t working to take photos, I took out my big camera more often and caught so many nice photos of Maya exploring the lawn and tracking down the kitties.
She loves squishy stuffed animals and likes to give them big squashing hugs.
Clapping with extra enthusiasm! I love those polka dot shoes so much, I should have bought the next three sizes up since she’s already growing out of them!
We also had such nice times with family while we were home. We celebrated my parents’ 60th birthdays since both fall when we couldn’t all be there. My niece is scrumptiously squeezable but also quickly catching up to Maya in the weight department.
And a wedding celebrated for my aunt and new uncle’s marriage at their beautiful property on the ocean marsh on the Maine coast. It was a chilly, misty day that made my hair extra frizzy and Maya’s curls extra tight.
My mom and my brother’s girlfriend, Emma, put together the flowers for the wedding and they were stunning. My grandma was supposed to help but was very sick, so they brought all the flowers and supplies to her house and she got to be the creative director from the couch.
I love watching Maya love the people I love so much. These photos of her with my cousin Greta are some of my favorites. Such giggles!
And a cheeky will-you-just-give-me-the-darn-plant-to-eat smirk.
Well, that turned quickly into the Maya show. Whoops! I think the ratio of photos of Maya to photos of anyone else is solidly 100-1 at the moment. But that’s Maine summer, at least, over and out. Another good one for the books.
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