We gave our sweet girl Cheerios for the first time a week or so ago and it seemed like such a baby rite of passage. I wanted to remember her tiny fingers pushing the Cheerios around and trying to squash them into her mouth. So many ended up on the floor, but she did pretty well getting a few of them down the hatch.
For your viewing enjoyment, way too many photos of sweet Maya eating her first Cheerios.
And bonus! My mom made her little raindrop dress! It’s too cute.
Happy munching! (And much cleaning up for some of us….;)
That face! That bow! And that adorable dress! So cute.
She is so stinkin’ cute. Her cheeks! And that dress is super-adorable.
Love her dress!!! Cute pictures!
You’ll have to do the Cheerio challenge 🙂 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3653406/Cheerios-Challenge-taken-father-stacks-cereal-five-sleeping-children.html
This is literally too much cute!
Maya is so stylish along with cute 🙂 xx