A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing 18-month toddler Elsie Grey and her parents, our dear friends Naomi and Andy, in the Malahide Castle grounds. I photographed Elsie when she was just a few weeks old, and her shock of dark hair has lightened and grown so long! She squeals as she toddles along, her legs going faster than her body is even ready for.
I keep looking at these photos (and these of my niece and her parents) and thinking our friends are all such babes! And they make such cute babies!
In true Irish form, it downpoured for a little while, so we took cover under the giant trees. Elsie wasn’t sure she was ready for a photo shoot, but she had a snack and a snuggle with her dad and decided she’d put up with me.
I love Elsie’s grip on her dad’s ears! Ha!
Such a handsome family. It’s so fun to see how Elsie and Eabha, born just a few weeks apart, have grown in the last year and a half. Just about polar opposites in the looks department, but such cute little friends! And it’s been wonderful to see how the little girls have each grown to be so like their parents. This last photo is just how I think of this little family. Big laughs together!
You can learn more about my photography here and see past shoots of (teeny) Éabha, Elsie, Julius, Sam and Nicholas, as well as one-year-olds Eabha and Aoibhe.
1 Comment
I love these! Thanks so much Emily!!