Happy Friday! And a Few Fun Places on the Internet…

March 20, 2015


Happy Friday, dear friends. This week was full of sunshine and a little extra time with my niece as my mother-in-law, who regularly babysits her, had knee surgery. I was only too happy to fill in!

I’m between freelance projects at the moment, with a few weeks of calm that I’m trying to spend with my friends and family before things pick up again. Michael and I have some big changes on the horizon in the next few months, so we’re trying to take advantage of the rest when we can get it. We took a few walks when the sun was shining and worked on planning our trip to Croatia in a few weeks. Spring has sprung and the days feel long and full of promise.

Here are a few things that made my week.

My friend Anne introduced me to the iCloud shared photo streams this week and I spent most of the evening sharing photos with my family. Sometimes technology is just awesome. I’m sure I missed a trick on this one – I think it’s been around for a while – but I’m loving it!

Did you know St. Patrick had such a lovely prayer on his breastplate? Or that he was an escaped Welsh slave? This is a cute little video history of St. Patrick.

I’m excited to try Cocu Kitchen, which just opened today in Dublin, serving healthy salad-y things. On their opening day, they donated their proceeds to Foodcloud Ireland, which connects businesses that have too much food with food pantries around the country.

I was going through old earmarked articles and found this post from Jane Flanagan (an Irish expat living in Canada) about authenticity and it’s profoundly quotable and important in this ultra-curated-Instagram world. “Authenticity can be captured by a photograph taken in a certain moment, but it can’t be constructed for a photograph.” A good reminder.

I’m in the market for a spring jacket, but I think this one might be too heavy? It’s awfully cute, though.

Michael and I have moved another small step toward owning a home here in Dublin this week, so of course I have responded by pinning home inspiration like a lunatic.

Baked French toast bite kebabs sound like an awesome idea – and they sound like a mouthful, in more ways than one!

I hope you have a restful weekend, full of friends and family and sunshine.

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