Travel Update: Colorado Edition

June 20, 2013

colorado update We’re closing in on the last week of our time traveling around America (before we settle into Maine for a good three weeks!), and we’re certainly making the most of it! We’re currently visiting Michael’s two brothers and their other halves in Denver and Colorado Springs.

In just 24 hours, we’ve picnicked in the Garden of the Gods, tandem bicycled to the cutest coffee shop, enjoyed some sisterly pedicures, and watched a whole lotta hockey (go Bruins!) and basketball. As if that wasn’t enough action, this morning we hiked the Manitou Springs Incline, a special brand of pain-inducing hiking that involves over 4,000 steps and a net gain of more than 2,000 feet up the side of a mountain. Apparently people do this daily and some people even run up it! Michael and I huffed and puffed our way to the top with our sad little sea level lungs, and then spent the rest of the day horizontal and poolside.

We’re plum tuckered but excited for three more days in Colorado before we’re back to reality in Maine at the weekend!


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