The Neighborhood Milk Man

July 24, 2012

Did you know Ireland still has milk men? We have one in our neighborhood. It’s one of my favorite things about living here.

When I first spotted the milk man in our neighborhood, it was winter time and I was out for a walk. It was quite dark and getting late in the evening. I saw this truck loitering on our block, and a dark character running from house to house. I imagined it was an elaborate robbery scheme and started walking very quickly home. (I’ve been known to watch way too much Law & Order!)

But when I got close, I realized the side of the truck was open and scattered with loose milk cartons. A milk man! It was so mysterious creeping around in the dark. Now that it’s summer and the sun stays out very late, I was able to catch a few photos in the daylight.

There’s a man who drives the truck, and then a teenage boy who runs back and forth from the truck to the customers’ front porches. I suppose I could have asked the milk kid to pose for a photo, but I think I prefer the mystery of him running up and down our street like a flash! I wonder if the milk kid is a track star?!


  • Reply Gerry July 25, 2012 at 6:22 pm

    The milk man! Great.
    They’re extinct in America as far as I know. When I was a kid our Hood milkman was Mr. Healey. He delivered milk, cottage cheese, cream. On hot days he’d hand out ice to the kids. Not flavored ice. Just chunks of ice. A big treat. Thanks for bringing it all back, Emily.

  • Reply Rachael August 4, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Hah, yes, they’re experiencing something of a revival around Ireland at the moment – in Limerick my parents get actual proper milk bottles delivered, which they leave back out when they’re finished to be collected and reused – so much more environmentally friendly!

    I know in parts of Dublin as well you can have the Sunday Times and a croissant delivered with your milk on Sundays.

    In London they take this a step further and deliver your shirts pressed for the week, your milk, the paper, and a hot breakfast to boot on Sunday mornings! How decadent is that?! 🙂

    • Reply emily August 6, 2012 at 1:25 pm

      Oh, the proper milk bottles would be so tempting! They certainly get a lot of business around our neighborhood!

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