The First Step is the Hardest

January 25, 2012

When I was making lots of new year’s resolutions a few weeks ago (all most going well, by the way!), I didn’t mention the running. On the day after Christmas, St. Stephen’s Day in Ireland – a day reserved for doing absolutely zippo, my sister-in-law (Miss Angie) and I decided to train for a race.

We picked an 8k in late March, just down the road from us. We figured late March would give us plenty of time to get in gear before running alongside a bunch of way-fitter people. And we even decided this race would be perfect because it starts at the very civilized hour of 11am. No rolling out of bed at 6am and lining up with the masses before the sun fully comes up. Perfect for us amateurs.

Then we found a twelve week program and made ourselves a calendar. With lots of different colors. Nearly four weeks in, we’re both still trucking away – and even ran 5 miles around Edinburgh on that mini-vacation!

That’s not to say it’s been easy to get out the door every time there’s a run scheduled. I have a terrible habit of getting dressed to go running, and then procrastinating for about 3 hours before actually getting out the door. Admittedly, it is a miserable habit. And what makes it worse? Michael asking, “Didn’t you say you were going for a run tonight?” about every five minutes. To which I reply, “Yes, yes, but I’m getting mentally prepared!” or “I’m waiting for the rain to stop/wind to die down/pigs to fly!”

It goes on like that for hours some nights. Not a fabulous use of my time. So lately, I’ve been trying to remember these two things:

{Both images from pinterest, with no sources. Grrrr. If they’re yours, let me know and I’ll give you all the credit in the world for getting me off my butt!}

So far, my two new mantras have been helping a little. A little. As in, last night I left for my run at 9:15pm. So, maybe it works better some days than others.

Alright, here’s my plea for inspiration. Anything get you off your buns and out the door for exercise? Anyone do exactly what I do and procrastinate for hours? I’d love to hear I’m not the only one – especially since I’m sure my sister-in-law isn’t having this much trouble!


  • Reply Katherine January 25, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    Getting out the door is definitely the hardest part, especially during those colder winter months! When I was training for a marathon, after enjoying the accomplishment of a really long run I’d lose motivation to do the shorter ones. They just felt less exciting, so I used to trick myself by saying “All I have to do is go for a walk. Just a 2 mile walk.” Then I’d get dressed and by the time I was at the end of the driveway I’d be running. It’s just thinking about getting started that’s the worst!

    • Reply emily January 25, 2012 at 4:41 pm

      Oh, I agree about the short runs! They seem to be the hardest. I’m glad I’m not the only one. And also, thank goodness it’s only an 8k, not a marathon! How did you find the time??

      • Reply Katherine January 26, 2012 at 5:23 pm

        I was drastically under employed at the time!

        • Reply emily January 27, 2012 at 10:05 am

          Oh, the things I could do if I was underemployed. 🙂

  • Reply ANG January 25, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    I am definitely struggling for the motivation lately….this one did it for me last night

    • Reply emily January 25, 2012 at 4:41 pm

      Oh, good one Ang!

  • Reply Brandi {not your average ordinary} January 30, 2012 at 2:24 am

    I wish I had a simple solution for you. I struggle getting out to exercise sometimes. Almost every day actually. The only thing that works for me is waking up, getting dressed, and just going immediately to the gym, before I can even think in the morning.

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