Good morning, lovelies! I’m spending a little more time catching up with family and friends in Maine today. So in the meantime, I thought you might have some ideas to solve my little Dublin mystery?
{This isn’t a photo of my mystery, but I thought it was a pretty spooky image. Find more by the photographer here.}
I’ve got a little mystery going on around my neck of the woods. I have thought and thought and thought and I just can’t figure it out. So I’m handing it over to you. I’d love your ideas since it’s driving me a little nuts!
About two miles from our house, on a street that lines the beach, there are a lot of fancy houses. They’re enormous, with sea views, and their driveways line up along this road. Most of the driveways have big, tall wooden gates, so you can’t see inside their grounds.
For the last month or so, there has been a camper van parked alongside the road. Day and night, the camper van is there. It’s usually running, and there’s always a guy sitting in the driver’s seat watching a monitor. The monitor has a feed from a video camera set up inside the gates of one of the houses. Last time I (nonchalantly) peeked, the video showed a dark SUV parked inside the gates.
One time, the man in the front seat hopped out as I was walking by and went to look at the gate. Then he just walked back to the van. I asked him what he was up to, but he just laughed and said, “What do you mean? I’m not up to anything at all!”
He had an Irish accent, so I don’t think he was a hired Polish hitman. But he had a billy club attached to his belt, was all dressed in black, and wore those lace-up combat boots.
So that’s the mystery. What the heck are they watching for? If they were security for the house, wouldn’t they be inside the gates so that if something happened, they could protect the people in the house? And if they were watching the people in the house, wouldn’t they pick a less conspicuous spot than right outside their driveway in a big camper van?
I’m stumped. Any ideas? I’d love to crack this one!
Ohh, this would definitely be niggling at me too – maybe the big SUV or something valuable in their house has a repossession order and camper-van man is waiting for the owners to get access? But if this has been going on for a month, it sounds like he’s not very effective at the whole repo thing!
I came across your website completely by chance through a post on Poppytalk. When I realised you were Dublin based I kept reading, and came across this post! What a small world…..I grew up on that very road that you’re talking about and I know what the guy in the camper van is doing! Maybe you already solved the mystery, but there is currently a very famous person living in that house (temporarily) and he has round the clock security
Best comment all week! I hadn’t solved the mystery, so thank you! And what a tiny, tiny world! Now I’m off to ponder who that famous person is