Autumn Decorating: Leaf Prints

October 26, 2011

A few years ago, I saw a shop on Etsy that had hand-painted gold leaves. They were the kind that are so fragile you can see every vein. I have no idea how the artist painted them without them disintegrating under his paintbrush, but I’ve thought about them often over the last couple years.

I’ve looked and looked and can’t find that shop again. So, in an effort to recreate those delicate, vein-y leaves, I collected a whole pile of leaves and used them for this project. An easy, inexpensive and elegant way to bring autumn into your home. Enjoy!

What you’ll need:

black or white frame with a mat
thick white paper, cut to fit your frame opening
acrylic paint
paint brush
scrap paper


Choose your leaves. Half the fun of this project (for me, at least!) is collecting the perfect leaves for the job, so take your time here. The trick is to choose leaves with thick veins on the back – those veins will give you a beautiful, feathery print. And don’t forget to take a minute to breathe in that crisp, autumn air while you’re out scouting for leaves!

Choose a paint colour, but choose it wisely. With black frame, use dark, moody colours. With white frame, use strong, bright colours. Sticking with a monochromatic palette gives the piece an arty, expensive feel.

Start printing. Using the paint brush, water down your paint a little so it glides on smoothly to the back of the leaf. Give it a thin coat of paint, flip it over and press the leaf onto the scrap paper. When you’re satisfied with your print on the scrap paper, you’re ready to make your print. Paint and press the leaf onto your paper and repeat until you’re satisfied with the composition.

I liked printing the leaves so it looked like they were falling from a tree. You could also line them up across the page for a more geometric look.

Fit and hang. Fit the page into your frame, keeping in mine which direction the leaves will be pointing when it’s hung. Hang your frame and enjoy your new autumn artwork!


  • Reply Imen October 26, 2011 at 7:28 am

    Love this Emily. We just collected a basket of leaves yesterday afternoon……will do this at the weekend and share with you! Lovely! Hope you are well. xoxox

  • Reply Anita October 27, 2011 at 1:56 am

    What a great project. Do you remember making the leaf print t-shirts for the 5th grade camp out at CMS? Gosh, that was a long time ago!

    • Reply emily October 28, 2011 at 7:22 am

      I do remember! And I’m so grateful for teachers like you who instilled this love of craftiness and nature in me! 🙂

      • Reply Anita October 28, 2011 at 10:40 pm

        🙂 Thanks!
        It is great fun to see what former students are doing in their adult lives.

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