Maine Mornings

July 13, 2011

One of my absolute favorite things about Maine is the morning. All week, I’ve been crawling out of bed a few hours before my husband (not such a morning person, that one) to go for runs along the coast and prowl around the neighborhood taking photos of boats, rocks and lapping water. It’s heavenly.

Whenever I think of Maine, I think of this book. One Morning in Maine. It’s quintessential Maine, to say the least, and one of the reasons we’ve been talking about doing a house swap next summer. The more Maine summer mornings I can get, the better.

Robert McCloskey is better known for his books Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal, but this is my favorite. It’s a wonderfully illustrated story about Sal’s morning – digging for clams, picking blueberries, a boat ride to get an ice cream cone, and losing a tooth.

If there’s one sentence Michael hears more than once a day it’s My children have to know Maine summers.

Although, to be honest, sometimes it’s a lot more intense, like MychildrenhavetoknowMainesummers!!!! On repeat. And we don’t even have any children yet! Ha!

1 Comment

  • Reply Kristin July 13, 2011 at 11:54 am

    We have Blueberries for Sal, I love the illustrations in that book, I must add this one to the wish list. I’ve never been to Maine but it’s up there on my list of places I still want to visit in the US, second only to San Francisco.

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