New Series: Monday Visits

January 10, 2011

Happy Monday, friends!

It is dark, wet and dreary in Dublin today. Michael said to me earlier, “Now this feels like winter in Dublin.” And I think he”s right. No snow, no bright sunshine like we”ve had lately. Just dark and wet.

We”ve been attempting to plan a few quick weekends away to spots in Europe. We”re having some scheduling issues. I call them basketball and a master”s. Neither of them are mine, but I”m not too keen on traveling without my best navigator.

So until he”s a little less busy, I thought I”d start a new series: Monday Visits. Each Monday I”m going to pick a fun, foreign place and give you a quick glimpse of things either from that place or inspired by it, and maybe even a few travel ideas of what to do if you ever get there. Hopefully some day in the next few months, they might be real casino games online accounts of what my weekend DID look like.

So here”s a mini version for you.

Monday Visit: Paris.

A few shots from our trip to Paris a few years ago

And a few Paris-inspired Etsy finds.

1: Paris street scene print. 2: “Choose Joy” print. 3: Eifel Tower tea towel.

And in other important news, my blog is in the process of getting a makeover as we speak. Guess what”s going to be different once that”s done? The photos won”t be so darn tiny! Yeah!

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