Christmas Cookies: To Bake or Not To Bake

December 16, 2010

I’m a little torn this year. I’m not sure whether I want to bake Christmas cookies. Last year, I baked chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies in varying colors and something else, I can’t remember what. I brought plates of them to several people and families and they were a big hit.

But this year, I’m just not feeling it. In our teeny tiny Irish oven I can bake two trays of about 6 cookies at a time, which means baking lots of batches of cookies takes FOREVER.

So I’m toying with the idea of some of these recipes. They might save my sanity this weekend!

What about peanut butter fudge? And it doesn’t even involve marshmallow fluff (which I can no longer use because it’s been disappearing alongside the Cadbury’s hot chocolate).

Or homemade peppermint patties? I’ll only need to figure out what will coat the patties well instead of chocolate chips, and I’ll have to find a substitute for shortening. A bit more work on the research end, but man, don’t they look decadent?

Now these would take baking but I know I could fit more than 6 on my little cookie sheets. And I think making them into sandwich cookies with this cranberry cream cheese icing is such a festive idea.

But then there’s always the buttercrunch (I’ve been munching my way through the whole batch I made a few days ago). So easy, so yum!

So what’s everyone else baking this Christmas?

Images from here, here and here.


  • Reply Becky December 16, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    Oh Emily – too much yumminess!! Delicious delicious delicious!! Your blog so makes me drool!!!!

  • Reply Nancy December 17, 2010 at 12:27 am

    Besides the many batches of buttercrunch, I have been making batches of the s'more cups that you tried at the fire pit. They are also a hit.

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